(Survey Questionnaire Sample) School Facility and Utility Problem that Disturb the Daily Routine of a Student inside the Campus of Sibulan Science High School


Borrowed and Enhanced from: Mr. Nchungo Josephat (Lecturer, University of Zambia-UNZA)



Topic: School Facility and Utility Problem that Disturb the Daily Routine of a Student inside the Campus of Sibulan Science High School



Dear Respondent,

I, Adrian Teves Divino, grade 11 student of Sibulan Science Senior High School conducting a study on the topic “School Facility and Utility Problems that Disturb the Daily Routine of a Student inside the Campus of Sibulan Science High School”. You have been selected as one of my respondents of this study. You are going to answer the questions with utmost sincerity because the quality of your responses/answers will determine the outcome of this study. I assure you that, all the information you will provide will be treated with maximum confidentiality.


Thanking you in anticipation of your cooperation.


Yours faithfully,



1.      Please answer each question by checking (√) in the box or filling the space provided.

2.      Kindly explain where your explanation is needed.

3.      Do NOT indicate anything that will identify you, (e.g. name or signature)

Section A: General Information

1.      Name (optional):_________________________________________

2.      Grade:__________

3.      Age:__________

4.      Sex:__________

5.      Class/school position:______________________________

Section B: School Facility and Utility Problems that disturb you inside the Campus of Sibulan           Science High School

I.                   Show whether you AGREE or DISAGREE to the following statements.

1.      Unavailable internet access  affects/disturbs me inside the campus:

If you agree, explain how:


2.      Poor sanitation facilities affect/disturb me inside the campus:_____________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________


3.      Lack of ventilation affects/disturbs me inside the campus:___________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4.      Peer pressure affects/disturb me inside the campus: ______________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5.      Lack of teaching materials affect/disturb me inside the campus: ________________


6.      Inadequate water system affect/disturb me inside the campus: _________________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.      Inadequate computer laboratory commodities affect/disturb me inside the campus: _____________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.      Lack of up-to-date books in classroom libraries affect/disturb me inside the campus: ______________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________


8.      Inadequate canteen accommodation affects/disturb me inside the campus: ______________

If you agree, explain how: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9.      Inadequate classroom accommodations affects/disturb me inside the campus: _______________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10.  Insufficient visual-aids for teaching affects/disturb me inside the campus. ______________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11.  Lack of seriousness of lecturers affects/disturb me inside the campus. ____________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12.  Unavailability of science laboratory facilities affect/disturb me inside the campus. ______________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13.  Unavailability of campus security affects/disturb me. ______________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14.  Congestion in the hallway affects/disturb me in the campus. ___________________

If you agree, explain how: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Are there other facility and utility problem that affects/disturbs you inside the campus?


If YES, what are they? _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16.  Briefly explain how Sibulan Science High School management has helped to address the school facility and utility problem that affects/disturbs you in the campus? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Are you satisfied with the helped done by the Sibulan Science High School management on the facility and utility problems that affects/disturbs you in the campus?

If NO, explain why: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18.  In your own opinion, what should be done to address the facility and utility problem that affects/disturbs you inside Sibulan Science High School? (list each facility or utility problems and suggest a measure)



1.      Accommodation- supports and services provided to help a student access the general education curriculum and validly demonstrate learning.

2.      Classroom library- refers to mini library available in a classroom.

Congestion- the state of being overcrowded.

4.      Inadequate- lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.
5.      Lecturers- refers to teachers
6.      Peer pressure- social pressure by members of one's peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.
7.      Poor sanitation- refers to unhygienic condition of the facilities and utilities.
8.      Teaching materials- are the resources used by the teachers/lecturers to deliver instructions.
9.      Ventilation- a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air.


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