Chapter IV- A Dark Age Begins

In the early evening of September 23, 1972, the current president Ferdinand Marcos announces and proclaimed Martial Law in the whole nation of Philippines. Upon his proclamation he directed the media to give off his proclamation to the people and the Philippines. With due of his power he collaborate his army to arrest his political opponents and close down some media channels. All these, what I can say is that president Marcos used his power for the sake of his family's interest but not directly showed to the people he took it in a political and wise strategy. And also, the materialistic wife, Imelda Marcos, she used the power of her husband, President Marcos to take all what she want. President Marcos used his power or political power to adhere what they want indirectly for his family and his wife's interest. President Ferdinand Marcos cannot stop Imelda who is determined to share his powers of the presidency.

Imelda Marcos became a governor in Metropolitan Manila. Her name becomes more popular as she now the third in the Marcos-Romualdez family circle as a governor. The family of Remualdez was a business and government prominent.
























Chapter V- Infrastructure of Martial Law

Upon the proclamation of Martial Law, the Philippines begun to step in the edge of its biggest social violent and disruption. Some Filipino people knows that President Marcos had been make use of the unfolding revolutionary drama. In order to extend his regime he sets-up excuses, more infrastructures was built. He built cemented roads or highways, bridges spanning rivers and links inaccessible areas to the areas of commerce. And these done through the help of the people behind and trusted him. The step that Mijares worried about is that after Marcos declares Martial Law he appointed himself as his own Secretary of National Defense.

In conjugal dictatorship, Imelda really make used of it. Days in staying in the Palace, she decided not to leave the Palace after eight years. Imelda has she called as "Blue Ladies" in the Palace. These are the wives or daughters of the supporters of Marcos in the 1965 election who brought Marcos in the presidential chair in the Palace.

President Marcos explains to Mijares that the regime of Martial Law was Marcos' lifetime ambition to the Philippines. Marcos talks about his youthful ambition of being a strong ruler in the Philippines.


Chapter VI- The Other Villains

Before the declaration of Martial Law the Philippines' wealth and income distribution was below from the minimal. It is the central problem in the Philippines that time. Even before Marcos' was elected as president on 1965, no President before Marcos ever thought of disregarding the make use of this situation to justify a resort to martial law. The wealth of the nation was in the hand of few and it became the topic of Marcos and encouraged him to have powers in the nation. Marcos wanted to sit on presidency so he could belong to the group of wealthy people in the nation.

In other instances with so much to be desired, the press was free but irresponsible. The courts were slow, that sometimes ended-up into corruption. Congress was a do-nothing assembly whose members were more concerned with getting reelected, making lots of money and taking care of private armies.

Inappropriate use of wealth in the head of rich people faced a real problem in the nation. Massive poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, crime and disease, political corruption, agrarian and urban unrest, ignorance and superstition, are among its most apparent event. Corruption was very rampant.


Chapter VII- The Reign of Greed

According to Oxford Dictionary of English, oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country. There is an interpretation that the regime reveals the developing a feudal factory system, few families are able to run the Philippines as a private business.

Oligarchy was assumed growing, building more corporations and business firms. The oligarchs are the owners themselves, relatives, cronies, and favored military commanders. The best illustrates the oligarchy was in the field of mass media. Contrary to the pledge of the martial regime to “democratize” mass media ownership, today the ownership of newspapers and other periodicals, radio and television is concentrated in different but fewer ownership.

The highest pyramid of oligarchy was reserved for Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, Kokoy Romualdez, Benedicto, Enrile and some military commanders. They do not want to align with the foreign investors instead; they want to distribute again the country's resources. In order the Martial Law regime become stronger they based it on the economic and financial income of the country as essential for the regime. This is the instrument to interplay the economy of the country and stronger wealthiness in which, in turn, must produce the profits and public taxes.


Chapter VIII- The Unholy Trinity

Aside from a first lady, Imelda Romualdez-Marcos was known as the seventh richest woman in the world by year 1975. Imelda Romualdez-Marcos was a miserably poor, but good-looking barrio young woman, salesgirl in a piano wholesale store in the early 1950s.

Trinity of power was held in Malacañan as the brother-in-law of Ferdinand Marcos, Benjamin "Kokoy" Romualdez wants took place the chair of the President. Kokoy will seek to rule at the expense, physically, of Ferdinand R. “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. This is one of the factors of Marcos that in his regime there are abusive minds in the Cabinet members and not yet stabilized threat of Imelda and her brother, Kokoy, to kick Ferdinan Marcos out of his chair in Malacañan. Imelda and Kokoy has a joint timetable get rid of President Ferdinand Marcos but they find it difficult because the there the Ilocanos, relatives and cronies of Marcos which are eyeing the good of the President. The plans of Imelda and Kokoy is to rule the Philippines, they might get into it if the President will died without human intervention and or they will knock off Ferdinand Marcos and rule in their own.

This is the very evident that Imelda and Kokoy to join together in order to get the wealth as much as they could.


Chapter IX- Too Late the Hero

Communist was the name of the people who encourages to speak but in the advent of Ferdinand Marcos it is not anymore communist.

Nobody assumes the sincerity of the statements of Marcos and his readiness to abide by the few fundamental rules of intellectual honesty. He has lied himself blue in the face to achieve a desired persuasive effect. On behalf of his serious faith, lying is the best weapon of President Ferdinand Marcos to deploy.

One of the few persons who apparently foresaw the kind of life that Marcos would fashion out for the Filipinos was former Manila Mayor Arsenio H. Lacson. Lacson died on April 15, 1962 of apparent heart attack. At the time, he was already being groomed by the Nacionalista leadership to become the party's presidential candidate in 1965, while incumbent President Macapagal was being egged by Marcos to make good his pledge to support Marcos for the Liberal party presidential nomination.

At that time, the nation had just very little knowledge of the workings of the heart and mind of Marcos. Marcos' has been national famous, according to a trial court, on September 21, 1935. According to the later case findings of the court, Marcos gunned down reelected Assemblyman Julio Nalundasan.Nalundasan was a perennial political rival of the father of Ferdinand, Mariano Marcos. Julio Nalundasan and Mariano Marcos, both of Batac, Ilocos Norte, were rival candidates for the office of representative for the second district of said province in the elections of 1934 and Nalundasan was elected.

The team of Nalundasan had a victory parade through the municipalities of Qirrirnao, Paoay and Batac, Ilocos Norte, and passed in front of the house of the Marcoses. The parade was described as provocative and humiliating for the defeated candidate, Mariano Marcos. Nalundasan, after brushing his teeth in his house he was shot and killed with a single rifle shot, that was happened at night on September 21, 1935. The newly elected President Quezon subsequently sent a special team of prosecutors headed by then Fiscal Higinio Macadaeg to handle the prosecution of the accused in the killing for the crime of murder. The accused were Mariano Marcos, Pio Marcos, Ferdinand E. Marcos and Quirino Lizardo.

Chapter X- The Loves of Marcos

Imelda Marcos discovered that her husband, Ferdinand Marcos, has another woman. Her husband had a mistress who was promised by the President the prospect of being a future First Lady in lieu of Imelda Romualdez who was becoming fat and obese, and an old wag. The other woman turned out to be Dovie Beams, an upcoming star from Hollywood. This has been the headlines of the news.

Before that two woman, the loves of Ferdinand Marcos was quite known. There was Carmen Ortega, by whom the President has begotten four children, two of them before he became senator of the Philippines. It was Carmen whom the President's mother wanted to have as a daughter-in-law. But Imelda proved faster than Carmen in getting Ferdinand to marry her on May 1, 1955.

Carmen has been enough provided for, along with her brood of four small Marcoses. The presence of Carmen in Manila really hurts Imelda. President Ferdinand Marcos would like to lay every available beautiful woman. International beauty contestants, young movie actresses and prominent young society matrons make up the sexual-therapeutic coterie available only to President Marcos in the Philippines.


Chapter XII- The Era of Thought Control

At night of September 22, 1972, the intellectual rights went out. Marcos stopped all writers, editors and publishers, and other media facilities. The Philppines went on a deathly journalistic silence.

All over the Philippines especially in the Greater Manila area, the police sealed newspaper, radio and television facilities, and told staff members on the graveyard shift to "go home, martial law has been declared."

 Philippine Police arrested leading journalists in Manila and other areas of the country. Those arrested in the Greater Manila area were confined either at Camp Crame or Fort Bonifacio. The provincial journalists were jailed in their respective jails.

 International cable and telephone facilities were closed, thereby effectively shutting down the operations of foreign news agencies, too. This was the worst crackdown by one-man rule and became a dishonor Martial Law Regime of President Marcos. No chances, President Marcos ordered the closure of all newspapers, radio and television facilities and detained those newsmen who were unsympathetic to the Marcos administration.

The battle between press media and military regime begun, "Killed — over a dozen security guards at the “Iglesia ni Kristo” radio station", closure, in the Greater Manila area, of seven major English dailies, three Pilipino dailies, one English-Pilipino daily, eleven English weekly magazines, one Spanish daily, four Chinese dailies, three business publications, one news service, and seven television stations, and in the provinces, and 66 community newspapers, and closure of 292 radio stations all over the country.

Despite of some media closure, there is one newspaper is open, the Daily Express. Its sister facility, television channel 9, and allied radio stations of the Kanlaon Broadcasting System, also reopened the very day the media men were being rounded up by Marcos agents for incarceration. Ambassador Roberto S. Benedicto appears as the said owner of the media complex; the truth is that it is owned by no less than President Marcos himself.


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